We (Jeanette Wheeler and Karen Chan) are organizing a Society-wide symposium on “Large-scale biological phenomena arising from small-scale biophysical processes” for SICB 2023 (Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology) in Austin, TX, USA (January 3-7, 2023). This email is to invite you and your lab members to consider presenting in the symposium’s complementary session. You can find a brief description of the symposium here. We have some funding available to support conference registration for early career and/or underrepresented researchers. The abstract submission deadline is Aug 29, 2022. Here is the link to the abstract submission site.
If you or your lab members are interested in potentially having registration costs defrayed, please contact either of us (Karen Chan (kchan1@swarthmore.edu) or Jeanette Wheeler (jeanettew@mun.ca)) at your earliest convenience.