The biannual Swedish Oikos meeting 2023 will take place in Gothenburg from January 31 to February 1st. The theme will be “Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Global Environmental Change”. Keynote speakers will be announced soon, and registration will open shortly after that.
On Monday, January 30th, there will be several smaller thematic workshops. If you would like to propose a workshop, please send your proposal to Anne Bjorkman ( before November 15th. These thematic workshop sessions could have any theme and format. They are expected to be 1.5 hours long but two 1.5 hours slots might be possible. They could have a narrow scope focusing on a topic of interest for a smaller group of researchers or a more general scope. They could have the format of plenary presentations, panel discussions or working groups. The program is put together by the organizer. A workshop proposal should include a title, preferred length, and a 300-word (maximum) description of the program including topics, potential presenters, etc.