Seminar about parental leave in academia in Sweden

Sep 29, 2021  11:00-13:00 at Magneliesalen or online here:


  1. Introduction (Arne Elofsson)

  2. Swedish parental laws, regulations and customs (My)

    1. Parental leave - rights pay etc

    2. Child care - laws - practices etc

    3. Sick leave for kids (VAB)

  1. Statistics on parental leave at DBB (Arne)

  2. Personal examples of how parental life has affected your academic career

  1. Discussion in small groups (mixed with parents/non-parents)

    1. What are your thoughts on having kids and do an academic career?

    2. What could the university/DBB do to facilitate?

    3. What could society (laws, customs expectation) do to make it easier

  1. Summary


If you will be present physically and want a lunch sandwich please register at this link the latest Sep 26:


Full (up to date) information here: