The AMRI Roundup..All the latest news in aquatic microbiome research within and beyond AMRI
Welcome to the AMRI roundup, our weekly newsletter to keep you informed on the latest happenings in and beyond our network.
AMRI 15 Minute Fika - Wednesdays at 11
Next AMRI Fika - Wednesday, 19th May, 11-11:15.
During this time we catch up with news from the network, and take suggestions and questions from the group. Junior AND senior researchers are strongly encouraged to attend! Keep an eye out for an outlook invitation.
GENIE Workshop on “Microaggressions in the workplace - how to develop active, effective responses”
Monday, May 31st, 10-12.30
Lead by Lauri Robbins Ericson
Keep an eye out for an AMRI Outlook invitation
Molecular Life of Diatoms
Virtual Online Conference 2021, July 12-14
3 day conference format will bring together the international molecular diatom community for the 6th time to present and to discuss recent findings, methodology, and developments in molecular diatom research from genes to ecosystems
MLD6 will feature invited speakers and poster sessions with 5 minute prerecorded microtalks & live breakout rooms.
New Job Opportunities:
4-year PhD position in marine biogeochemistry available at the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg (,
Department of marine sciences, University of Gothenburg
The Department of Marine Sciences is Sweden’s most complete environment for marine research and marine education, and is one of only a few such organisations in Europe.
The PhD project will focus on nitrogen cycling in fjords, estuaries and
possibly other ecosystems in Sweden and abroad. There is space to
negotiate a specific PhD project with a focus on N cycling and marine
English and Swedish webpages with details and links to the application
portal are here:
Last day to apply is 23 May 2021.
For a full list of AMRI jobs, see here:
SLU now offering a week's free research time on their new ship R/V Svea!
Photo: Armon, R/V Svea.
Applications should be sent in by 13 June.
Unique opportunity - free research on R/V Svea! | Externwebben
SLU now offers researchers in Sweden the chance to carry out projects with R/V Svea. During an expedition from 25 - 29 October 2021, the research vessel is freely available to you.
Recorded Research Talks on Aquatic Microbial Ecology - a great teaching tool!
Two of our AMRI co-PIs, Sarahi Garcia and Rachel Foster team up in teaching and the curation of recorded research talks on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Check it out, and use it in your own courses and depts. Over 20 to choose from! If you want to contribute a talk, contact Sarahi or Rachel. Help us spread the resource.
We encourage our AMRI co-PIs to use these recorded talks on aquatic microbial ecology as a teaching tool!
ÅForsk call for repatriation grants for researchers who defended in the last five years. Application period 1-30 September 2021.
The board of the ÅForsk Foundation has announced a call for grants for researchers who want to re-establish themselves in Sweden as independent researchers after an international stay at postdoctoral level. The application is open to researchers who have defended their dissertations in the past five years and who have conducted research abroad for at least one year as an academic or industrial postdoc, or as an employed industrial researcher.
The grant can be used for the applicant's own salary during a fixed-term employment, such as research assistant at a Swedish university / university, or, for those who have a job as an assistant professor / assistant professor, as a start-up grant to e.g. be able to recruit an employee, obtain the necessary equipment or cover other research costs.
Women in Microbiology - Frontiers Research Topic
Frontiers in Microbiology now presents inaugural 'Women in Microbiology' article collection, a dedicated Frontiers special issue aimed at celebrating the achievements of women in science.
Among the topic editors for this collection is AMRI co-coordinator Rachel Foster (Stockholm University). Please see below for more information!
Submission Deadlines
25 June 2021 - Abstract
26 November 2021 - Manuscript
ASLO 2021 is scheduled for June 22-2
The 2021 ASLO Aquatic Sciences virtual meeting is scheduled for June 22-27 with the theme Aquatic Sciences for a Sustainable Future: Nurturing Cooperation.
See the ASLO homepage for more details!
EMBL Courses, Workshops, Conferences and Symposia, April - September 2021
Have a look at the EMBL events happening over the next six months!
You can find them all here, on our AMRI site EMBL Events or through the EMBL newsletter
Don’t miss some of the fantastic opportunities!
EMBL Courses
SciLifeLab Events
The Latest from Applied and Environmental Microbiology