EMBRC Sweden Kickoff held at LNU

The leadership of EMBRC Sweden met this week to kick off our national membership in this European network of marine biological resource centres. The EMBRC “offers a variety of high-quality services supporting both fundamental and applied research activities in Europe and beyond.” Now in 2022, Sweden will officially become a member of this network.

The leadership of EMBRC Sweden: Top row, L-R: Niklas D Andersson, Pierre de Wit, Tina Elfwing, Matthias Obst. Bottom row, L-R: Fredrik Gröndal, Mikael Thollesson, Gunilla Rosenqvist, Jarone Pinhassi

What is EMBRC?

The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is Europe’s ‘research infrastructure’ for marine biological resources. We provide access to marine resources, as well as cutting-edge services and facilities that allow researchers, from both academia and industry, to study the ocean and develop innovative solutions to tackle societal issues.

EMBRC Countries:





United Kingdom





[source: https://www.embrc.eu/about-us]

Stay tuned for more information about the EMBRC and how you can become a part of this new research infrastructure.